Day 3

After the awesome "get to know each other" day, it was the second rainy morning in Riga. The new day looked promising and we were happy to learn new things about youth unemployment in general and specific experience in different countries. Because all participants are extremely communicative, last night went a little bit longer, thus we all were sleepy. The problem was solved immediately by having some new and interesting energizers, like donkeys game. After that it followed the ' How to get your job ", which tought us the criteria of getting employed isn't only about what you say. The third activity was the plays about how to act when you're going to an interview. 
After the coffee break, we were divided in national teams and we made posters about unemployment in our countries with information and the profile of an unemployed man.
After the lunch , we played the '' Aram tsam tsam ", a funny game from Romania team and we were ready for the last 2 activities of the day : the workshop about four photos on the BaMbuss walls and we had to guess the profile of the photographer and the message of photo . The other activity was named " The train and the passengers" and we had to choose 5 persons with who we would spend 2 weeks in a project.
After dinner , we had Romanian night with a lot of food , music and specific dance ( Brasoveanca).

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